Friday Fictioneers – Huis Clos

So, I went to Rochelle’s website this morning to find the prompt and discovered this:ted-fashion-statement

“Right,” I thought. “This is going to be interesting.”

Then I scrolled down and discovered a second picture, this time courtesy of Rich Voza. Makes for a different story, I can assure you. So, with apologies to Ted, and to Rich…corridor

Huis Clos

“Surprise,” the text began, “We’re in the lobby, coming up.”

I opened the door to my room, looking for an escape. A long corridor greeted me, filled with useless doors, and the elevator menacing at the end.

They say “You only see what you want to see” but I can assure you of this: On that September night, in a Paris hotel, I did not want to see my wife and kids, and they did not want to see me, dressed like that, or what lay within the room I had booked for the latest “conference”.

The elevator pinged.



Filed under Friday Fiction, Writing

49 responses to “Friday Fictioneers – Huis Clos

  1. I suppose I ought to apologise to Jean-Paul Sartre too, but the man who coined the phrase “Hell is other people” probably wouldn’t expect any better!

  2. Yep your character is headed to court thanks to my character lol.

    Very well done! Thanks so much for stopping by mine.

  3. ahhh, so you combined both pictures? very well done. i never would have thought of that.

  4. Oh my gosh, this one is a zinger. Loved the surprise that was never stated…nice set up…wanted to read the next line!

  5. Oops! Things are NOT going to go well from here, are they? You set up your character’s trap very nicely.

  6. I’m still laughing out loud. You combined these two pictures superbly. Must be that lack of sleep!

  7. Oh my…someone’s secret is about to be revealed….Mine is here:

  8. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Super good! I like the mix of photo prompts. Worked out great! Thank-you!

  9. That’s weird – I thought ‘Huis Clos’ when I saw the photo too. Very interesting story.

  10. Oh no! Ted has been busted. Now I want to read the next 100. What fun. Loved that you worked the two pictures together like that.

  11. Ha ha very funny. Using several pictures is fun and add to the challenge. Great story, infidelity seems to be a theme this week.

    • Cheers, brudberg. Multiple pictures is a new challenge for me, but I enjoyed it. Infidelity is obviously on our minds, although I’m wondering exactly what or who Ted’s got behind that hotel door!

  12. With that getup I can’t imagine there being another woman behind the door unless she’s a bag lady. Fun story, Jen. Gave me more than a few chuckles.

  13. Busted! A hilarious take on both pictures. Perhaps funnier than that getup!

  14. Good grief, that was funny! I think Ted owes his family an explanation.

  15. Dear jen,

    Superb blending of fact and fiction. And turnabout is fair play. Off i went to the dictionary the minute i saw your title. Thanks for the laughs and the education.

    Ted’s going to love this one. And hate Rochelle for openingthe door. Ha!



  16. Oh dear! Brilliant idea to combine the two. I like the way this piece went from menacing to funny to embarrassing. Nice work.

  17. That’s very clever Jen. You got it all rounded off well! Good thinking.

  18. Combining both photos….how clever. Wish Rochelle had thought of using Ted’s photo as a prompt. Can you imagine the stories?

  19. HI Jen,
    Ha, a great warning to fashion aficianados everywhere! Ron

  20. Well Done, Sebastian’s Mom! I loved this story. Clever use of both photos. He should just jump out the window, and hope his room is high enough up to do the job.

    For writing about me, I will tell the story of this photo:
    It was taken in ’85ish, during a bout of much Yukon Jack and Champagne. Two couples who like to play dress up, and decided to see who could come up with the most outrageous outfit. I like to think I won… I’m sure I did… at least the most ridiculous outfit. The women looked much better.

    • Phew. I’m relieved you loved it, although please don’t take the window option!
      thanks for the explanation – I’m certain it’s all as innocent as you suggest. Women have a habit of not getting into these challenges as well as their menfolk. I apologise for my gender.

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