Tag Archives: Photoshop

Friday Fiction – White Pegasi

This week’s Friday Fiction prompt is from right here in Toronto, courtesy of Stacey Plowright, via Madison Woods. It’s an interesting one, but didn’t immediately give me anything to work with, so I went all round the houses with ideas, then came back to my first idea – complete with a bit of mythology, which I hope Stacey will appreciate! The story tallied in at 237 words to start with, so I hope the condensed version still makes clear what’s going on.

I’d love to hear what you think – good or bad.

White Pegasi

“Is Pegasi even a word?”

“Plural of Pegasus? White horses of the sky? I think it’s the perfect name for the painting.” I felt myself tossed on those clouded waves, soaring through a sky so blue I could taste it.

“There was only one Pegasus,” scoffed my fellow judge. “Ridiculous clouds.”

“Aren’t they beautiful? Like waves on the ocean, the perfect replication of nature in all things. And based on reality.” I handed her the “Inspiration” photograph.

For a second, she hesitated; then her face hardened again.

“Photoshop is a terrible thing,” she said, flouncing off to the next entry.


Filed under Friday Fiction, Writing