Inspiration Monday – Time is a relative

Another InMon story, based on the prompts from Steph. I’m not sure this quite ended up where I expected it to, but then that’s the fun of writing!


It’s All Relative

“Time is a relative,” Dr Maunston droned.

“Like your great uncle,” Tommy whispered, leaning so close she could feel his breath on her neck like fingertips.

“Father, surely,” she smiled back.

A blank look crossed his face before she turned away, so fast she almost avoided seeing it. That was the problem with Tommy: hot as coffee, sharp as blancmange. She sighed and tried to concentrate on the lecture. Her friend Sally said you didn’t need a boy to be quick-witted when being close to him made you feel that way, but she wasn’t so sure.

“… then we are in a sense looking into the face of the future…” continued the Professor.

Her phone buzzed with a text message. If time is a relative and the future has a face, do you have to give it a peck on the cheek?

She turned and looked over her shoulder. Her best friend, Jason, was sitting a few rows behind. He didn’t have Tommy’s looks, or his spine-tingling breath, but Jason’s brain was like a switchblade by comparison. He was always right there on her wavelength. Jason caught her eye and winked.

Coffee after? She texted back.


Filed under Inspiration Monday, Writing

3 responses to “Inspiration Monday – Time is a relative

  1. Cute! Nice use of prompts. And best friends are the best ones to end up marrying! Otherwise, what have you got when the spark fades, eh?

  2. Pingback: Inspiration Monday: looking through the stars | bekindrewrite

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