Daily Archives: February 7, 2013

Friday Fiction – Sunset in Departures

I’m swapping my posts this week. Today’s is my Friday Fiction, tomorrow I hope to post a response to this week’s InMon prompts. In honour of the impending celebration of Valentine’s Day, and of my husband who is flying out on business tonight, this one’s a rare thing for me – a love story. No prior drafts this week – I neglected to keep the changes, but in any event they were pretty minor. I’d love to read your comments – good or bad.

Thanks, as always to our pilot, Rochelle, and this week’s guest photographer, Rich.


Sunset in Departures (Genre: Romance)

He warms me like the sun. Until he leaves. And as I watch him go, it sinks out of sight leaving only a reflected glow. The sun will rise again tomorrow. I will be warm and he will return.

But, for now, there is no sun. Only the reflected rays of happiness: a photograph, a card, a bunch of flowers.

So it has been, every time. Except today. Because today there is another reminder. A reflection so strong it is no moon, no distant star. A new sun, equally bright.

He warms me like the sun. Until his father returns.



Filed under Friday Fiction, Writing