Inspiration Monday – Invisible Sky

It’s been a while since I joined in with Inspiration Monday, so this week I’m trying to make up for it by covering two prompts in a single 100 word story: view from the gutter and invisible sky. It’s not necessarily a very unique take on either, but I hope you like it and I’d love to hear your thoughts.

View From The Gutter

I’m underfoot. You can see it in their faces: these people who walk about the city in smart suits and high-rise heels: hurrying to the next meeting, or a lunch date with a married admirer. They barely see me, only to ensure I don’t infect them, drag them down somehow. If they throw something in my cup, it is to avoid having to look at me; to save themselves from the danger of awareness.

And I know how it feels to tower with them, close to the invisible sky: hope and future and promise. Do they even see it themselves?


Filed under Inspiration Monday, Writing

10 responses to “Inspiration Monday – Invisible Sky

  1. I think that your story has great relevance and poignancy in these hard times. The mighty can fall too and there descent is often the quickest.

  2. Very poignant. And a pertinent question in the end.
    Those who have it squander away while others yearn all their lives.
    Great work!

    • It’s easy to take things for granted, isn’t it? “You don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone” has a lot of resonance for me, which I tried to put into this piece. Thansk for stopping by.

  3. “The danger of awareness.” Now that is a turn of phrase bursting with truth. Nice work.

  4. Pingback: Inspiration Monday: erase her « BeKindRewrite

  5. KP

    All we see is the dirty drop-out. We fail to see the person behind the visage. Nicely fitted into 100 words.

    • Glad you liked it, KP. Everyone is human but sometimes it’s easy to see others as just part of the backdrop to our own lives. As writers, I think it’s good for us to try to see the person behind every visage. Thinking about it, that would probably be healthy for everyone to do!

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