Summer Rerun – Man, What Are You Doin’ Here?

After reading the fascinating thoughts of Neil MacDonald on how many FF stories turn out the same, I am somewhat cautious about posting this particular rerun. It is definitely illustration not just inspiration. But I do believe that when it comes to FF in particular and writing in general, a picture doesn’t always say a thousand words. There are many stories that could be illustrated with a picture of the Eiffel Tower at sunset, for example, but they could still be radically different. So, in my defence, the rerun you are about to read is not a story about a piano, or a man stuck in it, or a statue of a man stuck in a piano. In fact, although John Nixon‘s photo would make an excellent illustration, it is really nothing to do with the story at all.

You can read my story from 3 years ago here.

In other news, I’m so sorry I haven’t replied to many comments from last week (or indeed read many stories). I am sinking over here. I will try to get to them soon, and I really do read and appreciate them all. Looks like there was a similar situation three years ago too.


Filed under Friday Fiction

10 responses to “Summer Rerun – Man, What Are You Doin’ Here?

  1. They say drama is always better in radio dramas

  2. I hope that sinking feeling is only temporary – possibly the same one my daughter is experiencing with a sleepless toddler!

  3. michael1148humphris

    Hope that a lifeboat is on its way. Mike

  4. Yes, i remembered that story AND my comments on it. Things haven’t changed, so keep the lamps burning and hang on.

  5. Dear Jen,

    I’m exceedingly slow to read and comment this week. But the novel is flowing right along. There’s no sin in using the prompt literally. I guess the complaint I have is when 50 writers come up with the same plot. I often look at a prompt and have a pretty good idea of where the majority will go and I’m usually right. Yours didn’t. I hope that made sense. I’ve been up since what our friend CE calls ‘numpty o’clcock’ after not sleeping much last night.

    Hang in there. These sinking times are temporary.



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