Friday Fictioneers – Lucy

Once again, Madison Woods ( has given us a challenge with this week’s picture, but on the plus side it did allow me to return to a slightly more morbid tone! This week was very much an exercise in automatic writing, I thought for less than a minute before I started this one, and the only edits were to tweak the number of words. I’ve love to hear what you think, and whether that has improved or hampered my story-telling for you!


The dog? Oh, I don’t know where she came from. She appeared about the anniversary of the fire. I didn’t pay her much attention at first; the site’s a haven for strays. She didn’t look dishevelled enough to have been a stray for long, but she’d no collar, and she hadn’t eaten in a few days.

But she seemed to favour me. She came to my door each morning, even though at first I didn’t feed her. And there was something about her eyes. I hadn’t seen eyes like that since I lost Lucy. How could I send her away?


Filed under Friday Fiction, Writing

44 responses to “Friday Fictioneers – Lucy

  1. That was a haunting little piece – I enjoyed it. Thank you.

    Straight Talking (Friday Fictioneers, 16 March 2012)

  2. Russell

    It seems like dogs just have a way of making you love them, even when you don’t want to. I like the way you mentioned the eyes. You did a nice job with this prompt.

  3. Dear Jen,

    Loved this piece. Had a hint of reincarnation to it. Am I right. Very well written and right on the money with your characterizations.



    • Gee, thanks Doug. I’m glad you felt it hit the mark. Yes, I certainly meant the reader to feel like Lucy was back – or at least, the narrator wanted to believe that.

  4. Yes, a kind of reincarnation is what I’m getting from this piece. And I love that thought. Good job…it doesn’t sound far-fetched at all–very real. I liked it!

  5. I also got a hint of reincarnation. Funny though, I see the eyes of Duke, the German Shepherd we lost in the eyes of our black lab, Bear. I could swear Bear has the soul of Duke. Very nice!

  6. A great story Jen.
    It’s those eyes that do it …. so haunting.

  7. Great piece, really made me think. Who really is behind my dogs eyes?

    Here’s mine:

  8. Lora Mitchell

    Awwww…tender, bittersweet story. I am sure that is Lucy’s spirit coming through the dog’s eyes. Here’s mine:

  9. Good beginning. Want to know who Lucy was. His dog? His wife? Tell us more!

    Here’s mine: I also hope you have time to read D.S. Sulaitis’ terrific story, “The Lovers,” which I posted on Tuesday.

    • Thanks Joe, I’ll hop by yours later. As for your question – Lucy is … no, I don’t want to tell you! You’ll have to decide for yourself. She loved long walks in the forest and quiet evenings in by the fire, that’s all I’ll say.

  10. This leaves a lot of untold to be understood and imagined.
    Great piece!



    • I’m glad you thought the mystery worked, Parul. I like the way flash fiction can be so open to interpretation, even though that’s sometimes frustrating as a reader. I like to think whatever answer you come up with is the right one!

  11. A lovely portrait of a stray coming into one’s life. Nice.

  12. This is a nice one…as many people have alluded to today, “they” choose us. Your story (specifically the word “haven”) also reminds me of when I lived in Hawaii and we had Hurricane Iniki. Many pets were blown “off course” and became strays. We met a lady who fed them and tried her hardest to tame them and place them in homes.

    ~Susan (here’s mine:

    • Aww, what a heart-warming story, Susan. I would be devastated if my cats ever went missing and didn’t come home. But I’m glad there are a lot of good people out there who try to help in those situations.

  13. Bittersweet! Very true how our critters seem to “lay claim” to us. Nicely done.


    • Yes, I think strays especially seem to pick people out, but it was the same when we went to various foster homes to find the cats. The bond you make within a few minutes with them is amazing!

  14. Sweet story with just a touch of mystery. Is Lucy in the form of the dog? Nicely done, Elmo.

    Here’s mine:

  15. Nice and heartwarming. Loved it.

  16. TheOthers1

    My automatic assumption wasn’t that Lucy was a dog, but a person that the character lost. I don’t know why though. Neat piece. 🙂

  17. Very cool tale. I like the sense that Lucy and the dog might be one and the same. I also like the offhand voice that still reveals the emotional connection between human and dog.

    • Thanks, Cara, I’m glad the tone worked for you. It seemed somehow to fit for me that the character had all this grief about Lucy but hadn’t quite fallen for the dog yet.

  18. miq

    Dogs and their undying love for their humans. This was well written, I liked thinking that the dog chose to remain with her person even in her next lift.

    Mine is here:

  19. Awww! You’re always stuck with a stray once you start feeding it. And I love how realistic it is.


    #FridayFictioneers 3-16-12

  20. Sweet story of possible reincarnation. And they found a new home. Lovely take on the prompt here.

    My entry is over here:

  21. This brought back memories (in some ways) of Jack Williamson’s “The Cold Green Eye.” Nicely done.

    Here’s my story:

  22. Madison Woods

    Great story! Love that you brought reincarnation into it. I believe.

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